CQ Pride Results 2022

First off, many thanks to all the operators who took part in CQ Pride from those who just gave out a few numbers to those who submitted logs, we appreciate the participation. It’s great to hear all your voices on the air.

Also a big thank you to VK Log Checker team for not only creating a place to submit and check logs for us, but also a UDC for N1MM to make logging easier.

We’ve also collected a lot of feedback from the contest which we will roll into next year. Thank you for this!


For full results see the VK Log Checker page.

Single Operator

1: VJ5Q - 14
2: KJ7OMO - 11
3: VK3FUR - 9

Single Operator - QRP

1: VK5CLD - 2


1: VJ5Q - 14
2: KJ7OMO - 11
3: VK3FUR - 9


Announcing CQ Pride 2024 Special Event!
