Thank you to everyone who participated in CQ Pride! If you haven't filled out the QSL request form yet, please complete it by June 25th.  We're currently working our way through the backlog of logs, QSL cards, and requests. We'll update this page as that progresses.  We hope to hear you all on the air again soon! VI2024PRIDE will be active through the rest of 2024, but for now this is N6L, N6G, N6B, and N6T, stations clear.

QSL Cards

To receive a set of QSL cards for the stations you contacted, please fill out this form:

To send a QSL card, the QSL card manager for US stations is KE5L: 

PO Box 414
Marlboro, NJ 07746

To send a QSL card, the QSL card manager for VI2024PRIDE station is VK3FUR: 

Pride Radio Group
205/63 Stawell Street
Richmond, VIC, 3121

The 4 QSL cards for this event come together to form a 16x4" poster.  To  receive a set of QSL cards for all the stations in this event, please copy the contacts you've logged into the following form:


Log your contacts however you like, and when the event is complete, copy the log into the provided online form:


Why do we need a Pride event?

Events like this are a way of people to be proud of who they are, and show that there is wide spread support in amateur radio for inclusion. It shows that anyone can join amateur radio, be supported and be treated well.

Why only LGBT? Wheres the QIA+?

We support and respect all of you who fall somewhere in the rainbow alphabet.  We’re doing our best to provide coverage for the 4 (+1 Bonus) stations we already have, and honestly we could use a few more volunteer operators.  If you’re interested in helping out, or you would be willing to coordinate an additional station for next year, please reach out to us at

What does “Network” mean? What’s the Pride Radio Network?

The PRN is a linked network of different IP-based services such as DMR, Echolink, System Fusion, Hamshack Hotline etc to communicate.  It’s what allows PRG members all from over the world to check into our weekly nets without kilowatt amps or ideal propagation.  This category of contact will allow more hams to participate, but we’ll still give all due recognition to participants who use a more challenging mode to contact all four stations.