Announcing CQ Pride 2024 Special Event!

We are excited to announce that we will be running the CQ Pride event in 2024, with a few changes! Inspired by events like Meme Appreciation Month and 13 Colonies, CQ Pride will be transitioning from a contest format to a week long event with several special event callsigns for you to log. From Friday June 7th 0200 UTC to Monday June 17th 0200 UTC, the callsigns below will be operating on various bands and modes. If you make contact with all four of the LGBT stations, the QSL cards will join together to form a poster celebrating Pride!


L (US) - N6L

G (US) - N6G

B (US) - N6B

T (US) - N6T

Bonus - (AUS) - VI2024PRIDE

Call for Volunteer Operators

We need station operators! If you would like to operate one of the special event stations listed above, please fill out this form and we'll reach out with more details. We’ll add you to our list and follow up with you some time in April 2024 about scheduling. We are very happy to add your home station to the schedule, but we’re particularly interested in setting up stations at Pride events, club stations, or anywhere open to the public.

If you’re outside the US and Australia, we would love to set up additional stations for this event. Please contact and we will work with you to register an additional callsign(s) as allowed in your country.

Note that you absolutely don’t have to be L/G/B/T to operate the corresponding station, but we will gladly accommodate your preference if the schedule allows.


What Are the Pride Radio Folx Up To?


CQ Pride Results 2022