Net and Australian Callsign

Pride Radio Group has been issued by AMC and ACMA the callsign VK3PRG and over the last week we’ve already made 100 contacts and had great conversations with the wider amateur radio community. If you see us on the air be sure to say hello! US and Canadian callsigns are being worked on and I look forward to seeing these on the air!

We also celebrated our first and second net which was done across multiple different linked digital modes using VK3JED’s linked system. It was great hearing everyone for the first and getting to know everyone! We are slowly working towards getting a dedicated DMR talk group ID. The first net I used DMR and the second echo link and it worked really well.

We’ve also been able to partner with Altronics in Australia to receive a discount on purchased made in store or over the phone. Details are in our announcements channel :)

That’s all for now - stay safe

~ Michael [VK3FUR]


US Callsign and WIA broadcast


100 members and club endorsements