First post!

Today we are launching Pride Radio Group! We are aiming to provide a friendly and safe place for all to celebrate pride in radio. It doesn’t matter if you’re an amateur radio operator, CBer or just a general radio experimenter - you are very welcome in our community. We want to grow as a community together, so come join us. Expect interesting discussions on antenna design, SDR and short wave radio in a safe, friendly environment.

Be sure to check out our values and if you want to contribute to this awesome community head over to the sign up page.

What’s to come…

There’s a few awesome pieces of work planned for the future. The most exciting for me is certifying radio clubs as pride friendly so we can help people connect with other people and groups locally. If you are a member of a radio club that you think meets our values, get in contact!

We also have plans for contests, special event call signs and a club call sign in Australia. More news on this will come later in the year.

That’s all for now - stay safe

~ Michael [VK3FUR]


50 members!